
Grew up on a farm near the Mississippi River in Wisconsin. I was really into sports / baseball cards at an early age because of my Grandpa. I can’t emphasize enough how supportive and encouraging my family, teachers and coaches were when I was younger.

Had MANY jobs since the age of 9 and helped my father start his excavating business working long hours for someone that young. (driving tractor, bulldozer, backhoe, dump truck, but mostly operating the shovel)

In 3 sports all through High School (wrestling, football and baseball). Was part of an advanced computer class in H.S. helped me in the right direction for a career.

Went to a tech college right after high school because I knew what I wanted to do for a career. At least I thought I did. I did one semester in Mechanical Design and felt that it wasn’t for me. I then switched to Printing and Publishing and I then knew I was in the right field. Right when I started Printing school, I just happen to land a full-time weekend gig in the bindery at a printing company.

After a year of bindery, I was moved into the prepress department. That’s where I would spend the next four years working.

After receiving some awesome experience, I was part of a large layoff. I looked it as a good thing. Found another job in Green Bay shortly thereafter. And again, great experience in the industry with different skills.

Then California was calling. Silicon Vally was a hotbed for my interests and my cousin lived out here which made the move easier. I packed up and moved across country with an idea of landing something perfect. Two weeks go by and I find an internet marketing company gig. Worked there for a few months until Santa Cruz Printery called me with a job. Worked there until they shut the doors. It was a small print shop and we just weren’t making it.

Next stop, San Jose. Only for six months. Things just didn’t work out there. The company had a lot of potential, but their actions were out of my control. I took a month off and spent time with family and friends in Santa Cruz. I really enjoyed spending a lot of time with the people that are close to me. within that month, I found a job in San Francisco. That is where I’m currently at now. It has been a great six years here at this company. I really like my job, what I do and the people I work with.

I feel like it’s time for a new chapter in my life. I want to take my printing knowledge with me and articulate it in new ideas and new interests. (HTML, CSS, jQuery, C++, Video Editing)